1. Enhanced the new user onboarding flow
2. Community new landing page
3. Calendar enhancements and fixes
Added a loader functionality till all the required data retrieved for scheduling and rescheduling
Durations UI change in calendar scheduler
The fixed spacing issue in the agenda item header
4. Page Thumbnails
Calendar scheduler URL
Public profile URL
Community URL
Referral URL
Network URLs
5. Analytics
Consolidated tab - UI changes in subscription counts table and subscription trends chart
6. Profile
Enabled dynamic factors chart for all users
Enabled 'Compare With Me' functionally for all users
7. Clone
'Create Job Role' functionality (for Enterprise users)
Increased the width of the 'Match Results' grid to show all 5 cloned matches
8. Redirect the user to the Home page when signing in via Google/Office/LinkedIn
9. Text changes in Network Invite and Applicant Invite emails